Ángel Cabrera began his role as president of the Georgia Institute of Technology on Sept. 1, 2019. Review your website and update, as appropriate, references and content related to the Petersons.

If you need help identifying mentions of the Petersons on your website, or need guidance on which content may warrant editing, please refer to the instructions below.

How to Find References to the Petersons on Your Website

  1. In Google, type in:
    peterson site:your website URL
    (Note that there is no space between the colon and the website URL).
  2. Press enter to see a list of every webpage and image that references the word, “peterson.” Example:

When to Update Your Website

Update After Sept. 1, 2019

Update Eventually

  • Static webpages that feature quotes from President Peterson should be updated as appropriate.
  • Video messages from President Peterson should be replaced as appropriate. 

Delete Eventually

  • Past events.
  • Video messages. 

Presidential Style Guide