As one of the primary tools for telling the Georgia Tech story, it is important for our videos to reflect the Institute’s identity through the standardized use of the Georgia Tech logo in title slides, and in uniform content and typography in the lower thirds.
Video Graphics
Logo Bug
A solid white version of the Georgia Tech logo ("bug") must appear in all video openings, and it must remain in the lower right corner throughout the video.

Closing Slide
Videos should use the official closing animation featuring the Georgia Tech logo.

Lower Thirds
Lower thirds should be used for subject identification and include first and last name, and other brief identifying information. If a subject has multiple titles, use the title most directly related to the content of the story. Lower thirds should be used on the subject’s first speaking appearance.
Learn about the correct editorial format for lower thirds in the Editorial Style Guide: Video Lower Thirds.

Video Showcase
See videography examples on Georgia Tech's YouTube channel.