• AE — Aerospace Engineering, Daniel Guggenheim School of
  • A-T — Alexander-Tharpe Fund (This is the primary fundraising arm of the Georgia Tech Athletic Association for all facilities, endowments, and current operations.)
  • ATAS — Aerospace, Transportation, and Advanced Systems Laboratory (within GTRI)
  • ATDC — Advanced Technology Development Center


  • BBISS — Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems
  • BME — Biomedical Engineering, Wallace H. Coulter Department of
  • Buzz — Campus mascot (Buzz is a yellow jacket — not a bee.)


  • Campanile, The — The Richard C. Kessler Campanile is an iconic Georgia Tech landmark located at the heart of campus, outside of the John Lewis Student Center and Stamps Commons.
  • CATEA — Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access
  • CEISMC — Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing
  • CEE — School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • ChBE — School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • CM — Computational Media
  • CC — College of Computing (GT Computing is also another reference commonly used for this College.)
  • CoD — College of Design (Externally, Design is the preferred abbreviated term when this College is referenced.)
  • CoE — College of Engineering
  • CoS — College of Sciences (GT Sciences is another commonly used reference for this College. It is what's used on all the College's social media channels, for instance.)
  • Co-op — The co-op program is an academic program designed to complement a student's formal education with paid practical work experience directly related to the student's academic major.
  • Couch Park  Large green space adjacent to the Campus Recreation Center's Penny and Roe Stamps Recreation Fields (West Campus)
  • CRC — Campus Recreation Center. The CRC offers several membership options for students, faculty, staff, affiliates, alumni, and their families to participate in a range of well-being activities including swimming and fitness classes.
  • CS — Computer Science, School of
  • CSE — Computational Science and Engineering, School of
  • CTL — Center for Teaching and Learning


  • EAS — Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, School of
  • ECE — Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of
  • EI2 (“EI-squared”) — The Enterprise Innovation Institute is Georgia Tech's economic development arm, comprised of more than a dozen programs.
  • ELSYS — Electronic Systems Laboratory (within GTRI)
  • EOSL — Electro-Optical Systems Laboratory (within GTRI)


  • FASET — Familiarization and Adaptation to the Surroundings and Environs of Tech (This is Georgia Tech's first-year student orientation program.)
  • Flag Building — The official name of this building is the Charles A. Smithgall Jr. Student Services Building.
  • Focus — A premier program for raising graduate education awareness, designed to attract the brightest underrepresented minority students and encourage them to pursue graduate degrees at Georgia Tech.


  • Georgia Tech-Europe — Georgia Tech's campus in Metz, France (formerly Georgia Tech-Lorraine)
  • GRA — Georgia Research Alliance
  • GTAA — Georgia Tech Athletic Association
  • GTAB — Georgia Tech Advisory Board
  • GTCN — Georgia Tech Cable Network
  • GTF — Georgia Tech Foundation
  • GTHR — Georgia Tech Human Resources
  • GTMI — Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute 
  • GTPE — Georgia Tech Professional Education
  • GTRC — Georgia Tech Research Corporation
  • GTRI — Georgia Tech Research Institute


  • HTS — History, Technology, and Society (This degree is offered by Ivan Allen College's School of History and Sociology.)
  • Hill, The — The historic area of campus where the offices of senior Institute administrators are located.


  • IAC — Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
  • IBB — Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience
  • IC — Interactive Computing, School of
  • IDEaS — Institute for Data Engineering and Science
  • IEN — Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology 
  • ILSI — Institute for Leadership and Social Impact
  • IMat - Institute for Materials
  • INTA — Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
  • IPaT — Institute for People and Technology
  • IRI — Interdisciplinary Research Institute (There are 10 on campus.)
  • IRIM — Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines
  • IRP — Institutional Research & Planning
  • ISYE — H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering


  • LMC — School of Literature, Media, and Communication (within IAC) 


  • ME — George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 
  • MIRC — Microelectronics Research Center
  • MRDC — Manufacturing Related Disciplines Complex
  • MSE — School of Materials Science and Engineering


  • NAA – North Avenue Apartments and Dining Hall
  • 'Nique – The Technique is the campus newspaper, providing the campus community with information, analysis, and opinions that reflect the needs and interests of the student body at Georgia Tech.


  • OIE — Office of International Education
  • OIT — Office of Information Technology
  • OMED — Office of Minority Educational Development
  • OMS-Analytics — Georgia Tech's Online Master of Science in Analytics is a top-ranked data science and analytics program.
  • OMSCS — Online Master of Science in Computer Science (With this degree, Georgia Tech created the first online computer science master's degree from an accredited university offered exclusively through the "massive online" format — for a fraction of the normal cost.)
  • OSFA  — Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid
  • OSP — Office of Sponsored Programs


  • PCS — Printing and Copying Services, a part of Georgia Tech's Office of Information Technology, provides business cards, letterheads, envelopes, and memo pads printed in one or two colors.


  • Ramblin' Wreck — Georgia Tech’s one-of-a-kind mechanical mascot – a 1930 Ford Model A Sport Coupe
  • RATS — First-year students (Recently Acquired Tech Students/Recruit At Tech)
  • RBI — Renewable Bioproducts Institute
  • ResNet — Network, television, and telephone support for the Department of Housing
  • Roll Call — This major annual fundraising effort began in 1947 to generate unrestricted funds from alumni and friends to help advance Tech priorities.
  • RHA — Residence Hall Association


  • Scheller — Scheller College of Business
  • SEAL — Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory (GTRI)
  • SEI — Strategic Energy Institute
  • SGA — Student Government Association
  • SPP — School of Public Policy
  • SPS — Stamps President's Scholars


  • T&M — Steven A. Denning Technology & Management Program
  • Tech Green — This is the great lawn of Georgia Tech and the gathering spot for a variety of events such as festivals, exhibits and displays, games, and other campus events. 
  • Technology Square/Tech Square — This innovation district is the area of campus that is east of the Downtown Connector. It includes a wealth of startup companies and prominent innovation centers, as well as buildings such as Barnes & Noble, Coda, the Scheller College of Business, Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center, and several restaurants.
  • THWG — To Hell With Georgia!
  • TSRB — Technology Square Research Building


  • West Campus — Residence halls on the west side of campus (newer dorms)
  • The Whistle — From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every weekday, the steam whistle signals five minutes before each hour. This is also the name of the faculty/staff newspaper, which is now distributed electronically only.
  • WRC — Women's Resource Center
  • WREK — Campus student-run radio station


  • Yellow Jackets — This is the name used when referring to any of Georgia Tech's athletics teams, but the term has also grown to encompass references to Tech students and alumni.