• Icons created with the Social Media Avatar Template may not be used in lieu of an approved combination logo on promotional materials, apparel, or marketing collateral.
  • Ensure that your avatar/icon looks correct on each platform and device by following the appropriate image dimension requirements.
  • Adhere to the Icons and Avatar Usage Guidelines.

Requires Georgia Tech login

Social Media Avatar Template (ZIP)

Georgia Tech Social Media Guide

Unlock the full potential of your social media presence with our comprehensive guide. This essential resource covers everything you need to know, from social media guidelines and best practices to effective engagement strategies and crafting captivating captions.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, our guide will help you navigate the ever-evolving world of social media and help you connect with your audience.

Requires Georgia Tech login

Georgia Tech Social Media Guide (PDF)

Closing Social Media Accounts

When planning to close a Georgia Tech social media account, consider timing and follow the communications schedule and best practices outlined in our downloadable guide.

Requires Georgia Tech login

Closing Georgia Tech Social Media Accounts (PDF)