Color Palette Guide
This color guide is a visual reference tool. For implementation of these colors, please use the ASE downloads.
RGB Color Palette

CMYK Color Palette

Asset downloads require a Georgia Tech login. To access downloads, first log in with your GT account.
Requires Georgia Tech login
Adobe Swatch Exchange
Download official Georgia Tech color swatch files. ASE files can be opened with Adobe's Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Fireworks, and InCopy.
Usage Guidelines:
- Use the CMYK color palette for print.
- Use the RGB palette for web and screen designs.
- Use PMS for spot colors and projects that have single-color imprints.
How to Open an ASE File
- Navigate to the Swatches palette, or open it via "Window > Swatches."
- Select the small menu button to the top right of the palette.
- In Photoshop: click "Load Swatches..."
In Illustrator: click "Open Swatch Library..."
In Fireworks: click "Add Swatches..." - Find and double click on the ASE file you want to import.
Asset downloads require a Georgia Tech login. To access downloads, first log in with your GT account.
Requires Georgia Tech login